The DOOM wiki will, once again, describe this wad for me since they word the descriptions so brilliantly!
Hell Revealed II (HR2) is a 32-level megawad for Doom II and the sequel to the legendary Hell Revealed. The WAD was authored by a team of 14 members led by Jonas Feragen. It was released in December of 2003. Many have admired this megawad for being quite possibly one of the most difficult wads to date.
Hell Revealed II had a long gestation, with development beginning in 1998. On February 14th 2000 a "beta" version of the megawad was released with 15 levels, and two secret levels. A number of demos were recorded on this version. The intention was to release the full megawad that year, but several years passed before Andy Olivera pulled the project together and released the final version. One of the levels, Beyond The Sea, was actually taken from an earlier Andy Olivera WAD, D2200EP1, released in 1998.
Most of the fame of Hell Revealed 2 comes from it's difficulty. But what puts it apart from many other difficult wads is the fact that it is still playable. After all, many other "difficult" wads are simply impossible to play because no matter how well you fight and use ammo and health pack wisely, you'll still be ripped apart by the seemingly endless hordes of monsters.
Whilst Hell Revealed 2 at many points had me begging to use cheats to bypass a certain area of a map with, say, 30 or more revenants and it was looking very grim, I managed to do it without cheats. Sure, I died a lot of times and some maps were harder than others, but I still managed to finish it solo and on Ultra-Violence. This momentary brag was simply to show that the wad is hard (Oh yes! It occasionally seems like the only bullet left in your reserve of ammo would be better used to take your own life) but it's still playable and, with enough patience and will to try again, you can survive quite well.
The problem is that this patience is exactly what is key. Unfortunately, after being slaughtered by the SAME GODDAMN REVENANT for the 800th time and reading the same taunting message saying that you “couldn’t evade” the GODDAMN fireball, you feel like screaming “SCREW THIS GAME!” at the top of your lungs and shutting it off. Of course, since I played this whole thing on Ultra-Violence and completely on my own, I got pissed off quite a few times.
Speaking of the revenants, I can safely say that they were the most annoying aspect of the whole WAD. After all, it takes two shots from a super shotgun to bring one down and whilst that doesn’t seem like a lot think of it in the long run. 4 shotgun shells per walking skeleton. In DOOM and DOOM 2 it wouldn’t have been much of a problem (if it was even a problem since they usually are stocked with health and ammo and the revenants don’t make up a lot of the monster population there) but the fact is, this is not DOOM or DOOM 2. It’s not even Final DOOM where this would have been significantly less of a problem. This is Hell Revealed 2 and Revenants breed like rats! Whenever you find a revenant (or even just see a rocket charging at you and turning in your direction) you can be sure you’re about to fall right into their breeding grounds. They are very, VERY rarely found in groups smaller than 5. What? You think that 4 shells aren’t a big price to pay to kill one? Well, think of it this way: 5 revenants. 4 shells. 4 x 5 = 20 shells. 20 SHELLS!! That’s 1/5 of your maximum ammo killing a small group of revenants. So, yeah. This rant was to tell you that revenants are a pain in Hell Revealed 2.
Oh, and did I mention that HR2 is not generous when it comes to ammo and health? Well, imagine a situation with you. You start a level and you have little ammo due to all the damn revenants that you had to slay in the previous level. You have to survive another intense battle against seemingly endless hordes of Hell itself until you get to a room with ammo. In this room, you come across a LOT of ammo. So much that it fills you up to the max that you can carry and there’s still a lot of it left. Sounds good, eh? Well, then you are forced to walk through another teleporter. You arrive in a room with, hmm say, 50 revenants and just enough Arch-Villes to revive them so they just keep coming. When you’re done blasting them to wherever they go when they die, you find your ammo backpack empty again. “Simple,” you think, “I’ll just go back to the room with that excess ammo”. Guess what? You CAN’T GO BACK TO THE ROOM. Either it’s too high up and you had to jump down or there’s no teleporter back or there’s a random gate blocking you from going back.
Speaking of gates blocking you, there are many times when you enter a room and when you realize that there is a horde or monsters in front of you, the door (or wall) will close behind you giving you about 3 seconds to find a suitable place to hold out. It was really great the first time and it scared the hell out of me when I had to avoid fireball after fireball while I’m trying to take out the horde. When I had survived and I was staring at the bloodied face of the DOOM guy with about 26% of health, I thought “This was a bloody amazing trap! I couldn’t have predicted that at all!!”
But frankly, having practically one of those per level (and in some cases more than once per level) is more annoying than having someone constantly tap the back of your head. ENOUGH! Traps are cool! We get it! We cannot charge into a room unprepared, but it looses it’s sense of urgency when we know exactly what to expect.
On a more positive note, many of the levels are quite memorable. As opposed to many other wads that I have played.
For example, the 7th level, “Not so simple II” is a brilliant parody of the DOOM 2 level of Map07 “Dead Simple”. It’s layout is very similar to the layout of Dead Simple in the sense that when you push the button in front of you, the walls descend and you are surrounded by mancubi on tops of platforms, similar to the original level. The aracnotrons appear after the last mancubus has fallen, just like original, but Not so simple II is a much larger level that also provides a great challenge. There are mancubi, aracnotrons, demons, cyberdemons and even (surprise, surprise) revenants.
“The Siege II” is also a spectacular level. After the player has a chance to collect good powerups such as a megasphere, they teleport to a small castle that is surrounded by hundreds of monsters. They must survive whilst waiting for the teleporter that ends the level to finally open. This is one of the most balanced levels since the player has just enough ammo and megaspheres to stay alive. They also have just enough cover to be protected from many monsters but not enough to be completely safe.
· This wad uses content from the original DOOM and DOOM II. The new content is not present here, but it doesn’t make much of a difference. If you want to play some addon pack with this wad it is possible, enhancing the gameplay.
· The multiplayer in Hell Revealed 2 is one of the greatest aspects of it and whilst I played through the whole wad by myself, I have played on level or another on multiplayer. The multiplayer in this wad is brilliant is certainly scores a 10!
· The difficulty in this wad was the hardest point to analyze. The difficulty is exactly what makes the survival multiplayer so appealing. I would give it an 8 for that, but due to all of the annoying hordes and predictable traps, I’ll reduce that by 2 giving this criterion a total of 6.
· Gameplay is not so hard to analyze. Hell, it’s playable! I finished it solo and on Ultra-Violence. It’s very playable and, like I said before, with some patience it’s possible to move through the levels. 7 for this section.
· One of the most appealing aspects of the wad is also the architecture. The levels are beautifully designed and many of them are memorable for that reason exactly. The Hell effects on certain levels and the feeling of military outposts infested with monsters is also a great touch. Cover is usually provided in places where they are needed in a way that multiplayer, whether it is deathmatch or co-op is great. Architecture will defiantly score an 8.
10+6+7+8 = 31
31/4 = 7.75
Hell Revealed 2 gets a 7.75 out of 10! A brilliant wad and if you can get past the frustration of dying and running out of ammo quite frequently, you will have a great time. Be sure to try out this wad solo and on multiplayer!!